Tag: Cybersmart

Cybersmart sketch.

This photo is a sketch I did. The background was from google, can you guess what I drew?

On Monday the 27th of November, My class had Mrs Grant for Cybersmart. We learnt how to use a sketching app.

Enjoy !!

“Spread happiness”

I would recommend watching the Happiness infection because it’s a really comedy show and it will bring laughter to you.

The happy tongan clowns dancing was my favourite scene to watch.

The most outstanding characters in my opinion were Brittany, Sia and Lisa.

A part of the story I mainly enjoyed was when the tongan clowns ran after the kids.

line that was spoken mainly was “Spread the happiness!”

Drama and Dance.

This term, room 1 has been learning about dance moves and plays.

We learnt some new vocabs in our plays and know how to say it.

I’ve had so much fun doing Just Dance and learning some new dances including it.

Cybersmart challenge.

This was apart of my Cybersmart challenge. We had to look at someone (we didnt know) blog and guessed things about them.